Meet your friends!!

This page will meet your amazing friends! Scroll down to look and see all your friends!

they wil be so happy to se you

Wyatt The wOLf

Wyatt The Wolf is the main mascot of Wyatt's Joy Games, (speaking of which, that's the name of the entire website! So it's obvious!!) Wyatt The Wolf was a very active wolf who liked to help out his friends. He is most known to be saying his quote: "Every kid, with every smile!" he never gets tired of saying it. Wyatt can be annoyed with his friends whenever a situation gets chaotic with all of them. (it's told it was perfectly normal.) but Wyatt perseveres and is confident with anything that's troubling him. He wears an orange shirt, red pants, and black shoes. He will do his best to make everybody smile, especially his amazing friends.

Cathy The Candle

Cathy The Candle was a caring character, and this is often shown in games. She cared about anything she put so much effort into. Cathy never gets tired and she gets things done on time or as quickly as possible! She was a very great helper to her friends, but her friends helped her more as well!! She can sometimes get a bit cranky, but that's just her. Cathy avoids her friends touching the little fire on her head, becau Cathy wears a red dress red sleeves with black shorts and orange shoes. Cathy was shown to not be lazy or irresponsible.

Terry The Telephone

Terry The Telephone was a very busy guy with so many calls! Who could it be? Terry is a very chill character, who is VERY extrovert! He loves hanging out with his friends around. But when there is bad timing, he can get annoyed/bothered whenever any of his friends are trying to "call" him. Although, he calms down afterward since he doesn't show too much annoyance. Terry can sometimes make Cathy The Candle angry whenever Terry feels kinda lazy, most likely he wants to only talk about things and not do much of anything. But that doesn't mean he doesn't help! Terry sometimes doesn't take things seriously, which makes a lot of his friends irritated. He can even go off-topic in the middle of a situation. (Which makes his friends go nuts.) Terry is a green telephone wearing a blue shirt, yellow pants, and purple shoes. Every day, 24/7, he keeps having a conversation with

Connor The Capybara

Connor The Capybara was a lazy and quiet character. He likes to sleep a lot and doesn't do much of anything, kind of like what Terry does. Connor was an individual character to start with when he showed up to games. However, he was called to be the "negligent" character amongst the others on the website. Surely, he is a cool and a kind capybara, but he doesn't want to be bothered. Even if he tries to help out, sincerely he does anyway, he quickly loses the energy to keep helping. But other than him not helping, he is also "capable" of doing things on his own when he is most likely independent. (Woah!!!) Connor was shown to say a few words in games he participated in. (From other games with Cathy and Connor, they both fight. Terry calls it the "siblings fight" for no reason.) Connor wears a purple shirt, cyan pants, and black shoes. From his personality, he is, he is a very helpful character in helping out his friends even though he is lazy.

Uma The Purple Umbrella

Uma The Purple Umbrella is a very ongoing character! She loves talking about what she enjoys. She is also an extrovert like Terry! From what a lot of people back in the day when they saw her, people started pronouncing Uma's name wrong. People were known to commonly say her name as: "UH-MA" instead of "OO-MA". She gets extremely overjoyed about anything and likes to tell made-up stories for her friends to listen to. Since she is an umbrella, when it's raining, she loves to go out, and get wet! (Very funny!) Besides her friends, she can also be a bit stressed out with some things that are partially important to her, but she knows she doesn't give up on anything. (Extra info: Wyatt and Uma have a similar personality, but react in different ways.) She wears a yellow shirt, yellow shorts and pink shoes.

Johnny The Worm on a string

Johnny The Worm on a String for commonly known to be short as: "Johnny The Worm", or just Johnny. Johnny is a very weird character, but he is very silly and goofy! He has googly eyes that move all over the place when he starts walking, running, or any action he does! Most of his friends don't understand his collection of black hats. He collects hats like it is so important for him! (Nobody understands him of hats, but they are very happy that is something Johnny enjoys.) Most of the games he participated in had to do something with hats, he has a WEIRD obsession with hats. Johnny doesn't only love hats, but also loves spaghetti! (Yummmmy!) Johnny can sometimes act stupid like he acts like he doesn't know anything. But that's just him! Johnny wears a long blue shirt blue sleeves, red overalls with yellow buttons, black shoes, and of course, wearing a black hat. His favorite line: "he was here somewhe"

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